After giving up hope of getting a day without rain, I managed to get some photos in the sun yesterday. Here are another couple of examples. Yes, more boats I'm afraid. I couldn't resist with Cruachan covered with snow in the background :)
Snowdrops pic 2 - Rule of Thirds version.
I knelt on the ground to take this photo and held the camera at an angle to try and show more depth in the snowdrops
Snowdrops pic 1
Bonawe Iron Furnace pic 2 - Rule of Thirds version.
I moved round to the side of the furnace to take this photo so the main building was in the right hand side of the photo.
Bonawe Iron Furnace pic 1- centered version
Boat at Dunstaffnage Marina pic 2 -Rule of Thirds version
I zoomed in 6x and focussed on one of the boats only.
Boats at Dunstaffnage Marina - pic 1 centered version
Wednesday, 4 March 2009
Here are another few photos following the Rule of Thirds. I have taken many others but bad weather for the past couple of months has made it difficult to get a photo that doesn't involve a grey background!
Tuesday, 3 March 2009
Boat at Dunstaffnage Bay pic 2 -Rule of Thirds version.
I think the boat looks good in this photo and I like the surrounding buoys in the water. I also took a vertical version but I don't think it looked as good.