Wednesday, 4 February 2009

Dunstaffnage pic 2 - Rule of Thirds version


  1. That looks lovely! I've only seen the castle in summer when I worked there and I can't remember getting any snow the winter we were there. It's such a lovely place. Hoping to go down to Oban in a few weeks and will definitly be visiting the castle. I'm slightly jealous :-)

  2. Hi Sarah. I thought it was yourself that used to work at the castle, I started there the season after you left lol! I have never seen snow lie there until the heavy shower last week, I was definitely in the right place at the right time :)

  3. Is Jim still there? If so, please say hi! And give my love to Jessie if you know her. We could meet for coffee if I manage to get down your way, if you like? It would be nice to meet in person!

  4. Yeah, Jim is still at the castle! I'll tell him you are asking for him next time I see him :) I see Jessie now and again but she moved to Connel a few years ago so she's not around Dunstaffnage that much nowadays. It would be great to meet up with you if you are in the area, give me a shout if you are coming and we can get something organised :)
