Saturday, 2 May 2009

29th Chief of the Clan MacDougall

This is a relatively simple grave compared with others in the burial ground. The stone itself is not that much bigger than this plaque. The words inscribed on the plaque provide you with the context and status of the person. The dragon headed galley is another symbol of the Norse descent of the MacDougalls.

1 comment:

  1. I grew up at Kilbride Farm, next to the old burial ground, in the 1950's and 60's!. I knew all the graveyard well, cleaning the stones, armed with a toothbrush and water diluted with vinegar!The best grave is to the right as you enter the Memorial Aisle, and is Iain Ciar's! He fought in the 1715 and 1719 Jacobite Rebellions, becoming a fugitive for many years! He died in 1737 and has a great stone with skull and crossbones on it! A great Hero of mine!............aka Tich.
