Saturday, 2 May 2009

Celtic cross decoration on grave

The grave of Sir James Patten MacDougall of Gallanach. Deputy Clerk Register, Keeper of the Records, and Registrar-General for Scotland. Born 29th May 1849, Died 7th March 1919.

Although not a MacDougall of Dunollie, the MacDougall's of Gallanach are another closely related branch of the clan. His status was obviously significant enough for him to be buried in the burial aisle - this is an extended part of the burial ground, just outside the burial aisle which is full. Note the fence and wall behind the cross, this is a boundary between the other burials and the MacDougall area.

The cross itself portrays various ideas. Eternity, Christian beliefs, Celtic influences. Around the 1850's it became popular for crosses to be used as gravestones whereas beforehand the celtic crosses were more communal monuments.

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