Saturday, 16 May 2009

Visual symbolism in Burial Monuments

This visual sociology project concentrates on some of the visual symbolism that can be found on burial monuments. I have concentrated on two similar burial grounds: The Campbells of Dunstaffnage Burial ground at Dunstaffnage Chapel and the MacDougalls of Dunollie burial ground at Kilbride church. Both burial grounds are from around the same time period, the mid to late 18th century. The burial grounds are linked to two of the most powerful families in the area and along with burials dedicated to members of the family there are also examples of graves which belong to members of the local community. I have concentrated on the symbols employed by the families and what they can tell us about the message they wished to portray to society. I have attempted to photograph symbols which are repeated, but I also wanted to see if there were any different symbols which appeared in the burial grounds. I thought it would be interesting to find out if there are similarities or differences in the symbolism used in these monuments.

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