Saturday, 16 May 2009

Project Critique - Visual Symbolism in Burial Monuments

Project Critique - Visual Symbolism in Burial Monuments

This project critique will consider whether my initial aims have been met and whether the project can be considered to be valid and reliable.

The aim of this project was to concentrate on symbolism found on memorials in two similar burial grounds, the Campbell of Dunstaffnage burial ground at Dunstaffnage Chapel and the MacDougall of Dunollie burial ground at Kilbride Church. The primary aim of this project was to discover whether the symbols employed by the two families can give us an insight into the kind of messages they were attempting to portray to society. The secondary aim was to prove that there is similar, repetitive symbolism in these monuments, and whether there were any differences in the symbolism between the monuments.

I believe the primary aim has been met and that the symbols found in both burial grounds can tell us something about what the families wished to portray to society. The most obvious example is the repeated use of the family mottos found in both burial grounds. These portray a clear message about who the people were, their history and status. Various religious symbols were also found on the gravestones such as the Skull and Crossbones and the Celtic crosses which emphasise the religious beliefs of the people who created these monuments and wished that their deceased relatives would experience mortality and an eternity of peace in the after life.

It is fair to say that the secondary aim has also been met. Particular symbols appeared again and again in both monuments, for example the family mottos and crosses. There were also differences between the two monuments with their use of different symbols, this can be explained by the time in which the monuments were erected and the slight difference with Kilbride in that it was a parish burial ground as well as a family burial ground. The Skull and Crossbone symbol features prominently at Dunstaffnage while there are no examples of it at Kilbride. Kilbride also has examples of symbols such as the wreath and leaves of which there are no examples at Dunstaffnage.

So much more could be said about the symbolism at these monuments but I have tried to limit the examples to the most widely used symbols used at both places. Visual symbolism in burial monuments is such a huge subject that I would not be able to go any further into it in fear of getting completely carried away with the subject and forgetting my main aims of this small project.

I believe that this project is valid and that it has measured what I intended it to. I made specific choices about which symbols to document and I have tried to be consistent with the samples by photographing similar symbols. I think that the data proves to be reliable because I was photographing inanimate objects so I didn't have to worry about the reaction of the subject. The project can be considered as reliable as it provided consistent results which could be achieved again under similar circumstances. I believe that all the photographs I have included are relevant to the project aims and I don't think there is anything here that could be considered as being out of context in relation to the project aims.

However, there will always be issues with validity and reliability when a researcher is involved. Perhaps the validity and reliability could be questionable because of my own bias towards the project and the involvement of my own perspectives. After all, I made a choice about what to include and what to exclude in relation to the aims of the project. But there will always be issues with these concepts and I think overall that my project can be considered to be valid and reliable.

I found it was necessary to provide a small comment on the symbols that appear in the photographs so that anyone looking at them could understand the context and meanings of some of these symbols which they might not have initially understood without this commentary. For the society that created these monuments the symbolism would be clear to anyone at the time who was looking at these symbols. Most were the product of a period in time when literacy levels were lower than they are today, so symbols were an important means of communicating certain messages to society.

I have enjoyed the undertaking of this project, going out and taking photos and setting up my blog. The only issues I was faced with was the usual terrible west coast weather which scuppered my attempts at getting decent photos several times. I enjoyed setting up the blog as well having never used a blog before. The only issues that annoyed me about the blog was the length of time it took to upload photos and the fact that I couldn't arrange them into separate albums without uploading everything again. I thought about creating a slideshow but couldn't face uploading all the photos again. Unfortunately because of this my Kilbride photos are not in the order I would have wished because I had to add new versions after uploading the original ones. But the Dunstaffnage ones turned out okay once I had worked out the order in which I wanted to upload them. Overall I have really enjoyed this class, taking photos is always enjoyable and I didn't feel like I was actually doing any work!

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